Il Segretario Generale della Conferenza Mondiale delle Gran Logge, Thomas Jackson, recensisce il libro del Gran Maestro Gustavo Raffi nella rivista del Rito Scozzese Antico ed Accettato della Giurisdizione Nord degli USA, The Northern Light

What is Freemasonry? Interview with Grand Master Gustavo Raffi by Paolo Gambi. Published in 2012 by Gangemi Editore spa, Piazza Pantaleo 4, Rome, Italy.
Ebook version:

Gustavo Raffi is in his 13th year serving as Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, is a civil and maritime law lawyer and holds or has held numerous positions in civil society. His leadership of the Grand Orient has been extraordinary and visionary and, in some eyes, controversial. His success may be measured in the tripling of the membership numbers during his term of office with quality men while lowering the average age considerably and at the same time attracting significant individuals from Italian society.

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