“Grande Oriente d’Italia – Palazzo Giustiniani”, was founded in 1805 by a duly recognised Masonic body; it is independent and sovereign; it duly observes and obeys the Constitutional Chart of the Italian State, and the laws thereof. It uses the initiatory symbol of the G.A.O.T.U. and meets all the Basic Principles for Grand Lodge Recognition; in particular: the discussion of religion and politics within the Lodge are strictly prohibited, and the principles of the Antient Landmarks, customs, and usages of the Craft are strictly observed. Emulation Ritual is adopted by many of our Lodges.

GOI officially takes part in: the World Conferences of Masonic Grand Lodges, the Conferences of Grand Masters of North America, the Meetings of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation, the Conferences and Meetings of European Grand Secretaries and European Grand Masters. In 2007, the Grand Master attended the “Special Meeting” organized by UGLE (Nov. 5-6, 2007).

Last year, GOI had the privilege to organize and host the 24th European Grand Secretaries / Grand Chancellors Conference (Rome, October 11-13, 2013), and was pleased to welcome a representative of the UGLE.

GOI is in fraternal relation with 191 Regular Masonic Grand Lodges, all over the world. As several European Regular Grand Lodges, GOI is facing the problem of irregular Freemasonry.

In Italy, many irregular Masonic Grand Lodges exist; a couple of them gather some 5.000/6.000 Brethren, and have international relations. Then, it is crucial for GOI to act and work in the best way, to reaffirm the principles and values of regular Freemasonry.

With this in mind, the Grand Master of GOI is open for exchange of ideas and views on Freemasonry, with the Grand Master of RGLI.

Member & Lodges

Number of Lodges: 842

Number of Brethren: 22.675 (September, 2015)

Trend: a positive trend in membership (plus 600 members annually on average); most of the petitioners are middle-aged men (40 years old) and the average age of our Master Masons is 50 years. GOI has already 700 applicants in the first quarter of 2015.

Membership-Goi, 1993-2015

Membership Goi, Districts - September, 2015


The M.W. Grand Master in charge is Bro. Stefano Bisi (57), elected in 2014 for a five year period (2014-2019). The Government of the Craft is ruled by the Board, formed by 10 elected members and 7 appointed members. Other bodies help the Grand Master and the Board, and have different tasks.

Special events: Annual Communication and “Autumn Equinox”

For the “Annual Communication”: every year a Meeting is organised, on a particular subject, which is examined and debated in round tables, and illustrated in meetings, exhibitions, etc. On that occasion, the Grand Master presents his public address. G.O.I. celebrates the Autumnal Equinox, and the date of XX September (remembering the 1870 and the facts of “Risorgimento”). In 2011, GOI participated in the Celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the Unity of Italy; the many events have been organized under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, and the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Government.


“Hiram” is our cultural magazine (four issues per year), which proposes both Masonic and non-Masonic subjects. “Erasmo Notizie” is our house organ (one issue per month), which reports all activities organised by G.O.I. and the Lodges (meetings, seminars, etc.) and news. “MassonicaMente” is a historical review edited on line. “Newsletter – News from Grande Oriente d’Italia”, sent by email. These three are addressed to our Brethren, to the foreign Grand Lodges, and to a selected number of representatives of Italian Institutions, media, universities, etc. The web site (www.grandeoriente.it) presents our history, documents, activities, Lodges, etc.

Relationships with the Press

All national newspapers and magazines dedicate much attention to our activities. The Grand Master gives a great number of interviews and reportages are dedicated to our Institution.

Relationships with the Churches

During the last years, several meetings have been organised with very important representatives of the Catholic Church, but also of the Valdese Church, and the Hebraic and the Muslim world representatives.

Relationship with the general public

A new deal has been inaugurated: now the public is invited to our meetings and round tables are organised with public representatives, to debate all local and global questions, and to let people know the opinion of Italian Freemasonry.

Charity, Donations, funds

Solidarity and charity are some of the cores of our activities. GOI has recently constituted a Federation of Italian Masonic humanitarian societies (among them: “Pane Quotidiano”, “Piccolo Cosmo”, “Asili Notturni”, “Fondazione Sergio Mammini” and “Ausonia”, and others) where many of our Brethren work and give their direct contribution. GOI co-operates also with other associations, on the occasion of tragedies and natural disasters, in Italy and all over the world.



Grande Oriente d’Italia – Via San Pancrazio 8 – 00152 Roma, Italy

phone: (0039) 06.5899344 – fax: (0039) 06.5818096

email: ufficio.esteri@grandeoriente.it

web site: www.grandeoriente.it

M.W. Grand Master: Bro. Stefano Bisi

R.W. Grand Secretary: Bro. Michele Pietrangeli