(Masonic Times) What it means to be a Freemason?
See this movie!
See this movie!
Carlo Gentile (1920-1984) era già stato ricordato a Foggia
nell’incontro “Il magistero di C. G.”, tenuto a Palazzo Dogana il
29 gennaio 2000 i cui atti, curati da G. Cristino, furono
pubblicati da Grenzi il 2003. Il 2007, a Rocchetta S. Antonio, fu
invece ricordato suo padre, Francesco…
Uno stimato chirurgo e un noto avvocato sono i due “capi” della
massoneria a Trieste. Bruno Gambardella, direttore della Prima
chirurgia a Cattinara, è uno dei cinquanta consiglieri (unico del
Friuli Venezia Giulia) dell’Ordine, organismo nazionale del Grande
oriente d’Italia che affianca il Gran Maestro e la Giunta…
In response to an urgent appeal launched by the British Red
Cross, the President of The Freemasons’ Grand Charity, Richard Hone
QC has approved a £30,000 emergency grant in support of their flood
relief efforts in the Balkans…
The Grand Orient of Italy comes to the aid of flood victims in
Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Grand Master Bisi appealed to
helping people in difficulty in the Balkans. Also, the Grand
Masters of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina called on all Grand
Masters for help to collect food, medicines etc….
Today took place the closing ceremony of the XIII World
Conference of Grand Lodges. The session was held at the Parliament
Palace in the presence of all Grand Lodge delegations Grand Lodges
attending the event.
On this occasion, the Grand Master of California took over as
Executive President and Radu Balanescu was elected Executive
Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges…
Not long ago have ended the working sessions of the World
Conference which were organized yesterday and today at Phoenicia
Hotel in Bucharest. Last night, the National Grand Lodge of Romania
invited all Masonic delegations to the National Opera where was
staged “La Sylphide”…
“Avere vent’anni oggi. Immaginare il futuro: una sfida, una
promessa o una minaccia?” È il titolo del concorso letterario
scolastico, riservato agli studenti del penultimo e dell’ultimo
anno di corso, degli istituti superiori dei Comuni di Follonica e
Massa Marittima, esteso all’Amiata e all’Argentario, indetto dalla
Loggia “Niccola Guerrazzi” all’Oriente di Follonica, con sede a
Massa Marittima…